School Board
The mission of the Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Board is to promote Catholic values and traditions in education and to ensure the continued existence of high-quality, Catholic education at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School. The board consists of nine volunteer members appointed by the pastor, the school principal, and the existing Board Chair. Members may serve two consecutive three-year terms.
The title and authority of this board, as dictated by the Diocese of Trenton’s Board of Education under Canon Law, are to act in an advisory capacity to the pastor and the school principal. The OLMC School Board is a board of limited jurisdiction with mandated responsibilities in the areas of Finance, Facilities, Marketing, and Advancement. The board serves in an advisory capacity to the pastor and principal in the areas of Catholic Identity, Academics, and Administration.
Board Members:
Fr. Stephen Michael, SVD - Pastor
Ms. Kaitlyn O'Meara - Interim Principal
Mrs. Rosemary Paduano - Acting Board Chair
Sr. Jude Boyce, SSJ
Mr. Vincent Gifford
Mrs. Vicki Hoagland
Sr. Kathy Nace, SSJ
Mrs. Jane Strada